Our unique platform is utilized in a wide range of industries, from health care, to childcare, to the auto industry and beyond.
From alerting tenants about routine mainteance to payment reminders to invites to the community party, we can keep you in touch with everyone, even across multiple properties.
The children in your care are precious and you need to be in contact with their parents or guardians at all times, whether for routine reminders or weather closures, we connect you.
Appointment reminders, doctor-patient conversations, there are a multitude of ways in which text messages can build a stronger relationships between you and your patients.
Service departments and salesforces benefit from the convenience of a team to customer communications platform.
Your customers are your business, take advantage of our unique platform so you can always stay in touch.
Because we utilize local and toll-free long-code numbers, you are able to have true two-way conversations with your customers. Short-code texts are fine for bulk marketing but when you want something more personal, you need Customer Texting.
Your business has teams to help keep things running smoothly, our platform allows all the members of a team to participate in conversations with your customers. Your customer sees the same local or toll-free number with every message, making it a seamless conversation between your business and your customer.
Schedule messages to be sent to one or more of your customers exactly when you need to. Whether you need to send appointment reminders, status updates or just reach out and wish someone a happy birthday, Customer Texting gives you the ability to always be in contact.
An unlimited phone book allows for unlimited contact possiblities with your customers. And to keep things organized, you may define as many groups as needed. Customers can be members of more than one group as well, it's Customer Texting, your way.